I’ve seen it written that the Honorable Mention Certificate for the Writers of the Future contest is the best-looking rejection slip ever.  Myself, much to my chagrin, I’ve only ever gotten 3 story rejections in my life (and one was by e-mail).  The two hard-copies were on something like a 5×7 slip of letterhead (I understand this to be standard industry practice) with a short note indicating that the story was not what was being looked for. 

Well, this looks a might bit better, I’ll have to agree.  It’s like an award for not winning, for not making the sale.  It arrived in the mail yesterday.  Behold:

The Greatest Rejection Ever: The Writers of the Future Honorable Mention Certificate

The Greatest Rejection Ever: The Writers of the Future Honorable Mention Certificate, bearing the name of Yours Truly

If ever there were reason to doubt my writing chops, with this I think I can safely lay claim to my own auctorial cred.  I’m a writer, and this is my proof.